Thursday, December 5, 2013

Survial Guide

In Max Brook’s guide entitled “The Zombie Survival Guide,” he suggests that your home is the best place to be and you should make it safe. The author supports his claim by giving a guide that shows us how to prepare our homes to be Zombie ready and in any emergencies. He suggests we have security bared windows, safety glass, safe houses such as underground maybe. Steal fences, apartments because if you live on the second floor your probably more safer than the people on the first floor. He say’s “before the dead rise, before the chaos and change begin,” we should be prepared. The author next proceeds to show that we should have supplies, lots and lots of it. We should have a lot of rifles or hand guns, pistols, flashlights, big weapons that will be handy. He also say’s “this list applies to a single person, numbers are adjusted if you are in a group or a few people.” He say’s this to show everyone must be carrying an unlimited amount of ammunition and weapons to be safe. Finally, the author suggests that we should survive the attack, your home should be safe and zombie prepared so they can’t get in. You should probably designate one corner of your backyard as a latrine. Also, if you have soil and rain permits, you should dig a vegetable garden to eat them first before finishing the can food.

Brook, Max.”The Zombie Survival Guide.” Three rivers press: New York. 2003.web


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