Saturday, December 7, 2013

WIRED "How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse"

    In David Hambling's article entitled "How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse," he states that we should know how to survive the zombies. The author supports his claim by saying we should know our zombier there's the Natural Zombie who followes their master's orders, Super Natural Zombie who are possesed by a spirit or demoned, Alien Zombie which you are most likely to encounter, they bit and you shouldnt try fighting them. The author next proceed's to show that you should have weapon's lot's of weapons to be ready and prepared. Your probably going to be tempted to go out and fight the zombies but seriously dont try it! You should have guns, rifles, shotguns and all that and also a lot of ammunition you dont wantto run out when you really need it. Youshould be careful when shooting a zombie in the head not even a professional officer or snipper can be able to kill a zombie, they'll proably be panicking this is why you need a lot of ammunition and weapons. Finally, the author states you should keep your head up, you must be calm at all times to keep surving if you panic you might die so keep calm and make sure everyone else around you is calm as well you dont wanna risk anything so do what you have to do to keep moving and be safe.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Survial Guide

In Max Brook’s guide entitled “The Zombie Survival Guide,” he suggests that your home is the best place to be and you should make it safe. The author supports his claim by giving a guide that shows us how to prepare our homes to be Zombie ready and in any emergencies. He suggests we have security bared windows, safety glass, safe houses such as underground maybe. Steal fences, apartments because if you live on the second floor your probably more safer than the people on the first floor. He say’s “before the dead rise, before the chaos and change begin,” we should be prepared. The author next proceeds to show that we should have supplies, lots and lots of it. We should have a lot of rifles or hand guns, pistols, flashlights, big weapons that will be handy. He also say’s “this list applies to a single person, numbers are adjusted if you are in a group or a few people.” He say’s this to show everyone must be carrying an unlimited amount of ammunition and weapons to be safe. Finally, the author suggests that we should survive the attack, your home should be safe and zombie prepared so they can’t get in. You should probably designate one corner of your backyard as a latrine. Also, if you have soil and rain permits, you should dig a vegetable garden to eat them first before finishing the can food.

Brook, Max.”The Zombie Survival Guide.” Three rivers press: New York. 2003.web


Extra Creit Liteature Anlysis; Persepolis

1. Marjane Satrapi is a young Iranian girl who grew up with hopes and dreams like all little kids, her and everyone’s lives changed when “The Islamic Revolution” started. Everyone had to obey the Shaw and his order’s the girls had to wear veils to cover their hair. Marji’s parents were very supportive of her thoughts and actions. Her grandmother most of all was marji’s best friend! At a young teenage age marji’s mother sent her to Vienna with one of her friends, Marji was so excited to see her friend but while they were in the car marji realized her friend wasn’t the same she was different. After a while her mom’s friend sent marji to a boarding home because they didn’t have any more room in their small apartment but reall6y marji presented a hateful presence from her mom’s friend but marji said okay to the boarding home with the nun’s she there got her own room and roommate she was excited to be an independent adult. But a year later marji got kicked out of the boarding home for insulting the nuns but really they insulted her first from their own marji moved in with her friend Lucia, then with a cranky lady who then annoyed her so much she moved out on the streets she was on the streets for a month or so when she then coughed up blood fainted and ended up in the hospital, she then went back to Iran only to find out that it had changed so much! The streets were named after the martyrs and the dress code increased a lot they now had to cover up from head to toe. Her life was so distraught and melancholy she didn’t go out or want to be around anyone she even tried committing suicide but gave up after failing to. After that she got her life back on track and even got married to a guy who she thought was the love of her life but divorced quickly after realizing it wouldn’t work. She then went back to Vienna to study in a university and become someone successful in life.

2. The theme of this graphic novel is; death, sadness, anger and finding yourself to not judge other have and learn.

3. We as a class choose this book because it was a graphic novel and we had never read one. I’m really glad we read it was an awesome learning experience to learn something new from a different country. It really opened my eyes to a new world and perspective on things, to not take things for granted not everyone in the world is as lucky as we are here in the U.S.A.

4. I found the book very realistic especially because it was real! And Marjane Satrapi hand drew and wrote the book. I made a connection to the book, I’ve made mistakes before and I’ve learned to grow over them it didn’t bring me down as a human it only allowed me to prosper.

5. Marjane’s tone changes throughout, she is happy then sad then very angry as when she say’s “SHUT UP YOU!, GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!” (70.4).

6. One literary element would be imagery, when she say’s “at the age of six I was already sure I was going to be the next prophet.” (6.3). she draws a picture of everyone obeying her rules and kneeling to her feet. Another literary element would be flashback when she say’s “I wanted to forget everything, to make my past disappear, but my unconscious caught up with me.” (194.4). she remembers her home and her parents and everything, she’s home sick.


1. An example of direct characterization is when she say’s “this is me at the age of ten. This was 1980” (3.1).

2. It does change in the beginning its calm and then it changes to dramatic and sadness.

3. Definitely dynamic she changes from a little girl to a young woman and also in the way she thinks.

4. I did feel like I met a real person reading the book made me feel like I was watching someone grow up with all the pictures and details it made me feel like it was all happening. It was a really great book I recommend it to everyone so they can read a brave women’s life.


The idea of this book is to get people to understand the Iranian coulter and not be scarred of Iranians. It’s also to make you learn something new maybe you didn’t know how it all starts but now you do and I just want people to read the book I promise you won’t be sorry. It’s a great experience to read something new especially when it’s a true story.

Literature Analysis #2

1. In the book The Second Sister by Dani Sinclair, the young teenage character Leigh is trying to fit in to the popular crowd since her and her twin sister Haley are different, Leigh is the nerdy one and Hayley the popular one. Leigh goes to a party and makes terrible mistakes by trying to be like everyone else, she abandons the party and meets the guy she only dreams of in her fantasy’s (Gavin). He was everything she fantasized about the older biker bad boy. Gavin and Leigh have a night they’ll never forget because they do some wild things. Seven years later Leigh returns home only to find out he’s the county attorney and they both remember that night they met and the things they did, Gavin still finds her amazing and Leigh can’t resist they fall in love and marry.

2. The theme is to think before you regret and it’s also Passion and Desire, don’t make a mistake you can’t forget.

3. I chose this book because honestly it looked easy; the cover didn’t really interest me at all I just got it. What made me keep reading is that I was too lazy to choose a different book; I know I should have just chosen a different book but I kept it and kept reading it.

4. I kind of found it realistic I mean this can really happen to anyone. We all make mistakes and have fantasies of things and just wait for them to come true. Hers was a coincidence and she fell in love with him as did he.

5. The author’s tone would have to be calm she gives a lot of detail when talking about the characters.


1. Direct: “Leigh Thomas gulped the soda her date handed her,” “Leigh couldn’t breathe.” The author use’s these so we can know what is happening and what she’s doing.

Indirect: “she might look like a part of this crowd tonight, but despite the fact that she had raided her identical twin sister’s closet.”

2. It does not really change, the author Dani talks about the character the same.

3. Dynamic, Leigh changed, she got older and realized her mistake and as a woman she changed in mind.


One thing I would remember from reading this book is that everyone makes mistakes and we shouldn’t judge others were not perfect either. Also, that everyone has their own opinions and no matter what people say or think that shouldn’t change who we are inside or out.

Surviving the Zombies with Science

In Angela Watercutter’s template entitled “How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse using Science,” she states that we should know how the zombie brain works in order to survive. The author supports her claim by showing us a picture on how the zombie brain works and how it affected. The zombies have Severe Atoxia which affects the brain and causes the zombies to not be able to move fast, so you should probably try sprinting away from them. The author next proceeds to show us that zombies are also affected by something called (Posterior Parietal) this causes them to get distracted easily, try to distract them then RUN!! They also have short memory so try hiding they’ll forget they were after your brain after awhile. Finally, the author states that you shouldn’t try fighting them they can’t feel pain so they’ll knock you down and start eating you faster than you can blink so take the running away suggestion and hide. Also, if you get caught up in a group of zombies try mimicking them they’ll get confused and walk away and you can RUN!!!!
Voytek, Bradley. The Science Of Surviving A Zombie Apocalypse.Philidelphia, PA: Pimsleur Approach, 28 June 2011.web

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocolypse

In Ali S. Khans article entitled "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse," she states that we should all be prepared for the apocalypse or any sudden emergency. The author supports her claim by saying we should have an emergency kit, inside the kit or in bags we should include water, food,
medications, tools and supplies, sanitation and hygiene, cloths and blankets for everyone also a first aid kit and your family's and yours important documents'. The author next proceeds to show that we need an emergency plan, we should think of the types of emergency's possible in our area, pick out a meeting spot close by your house and one further away, also identify emergency contacts and plan a variety of evacuation routes. Finally, the author states that the CDC is prepared to assist, they would do lab testing and analysis, technical assistance in cities, states and international and infection control, also patient care and management. She even say's "CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams for those in needing the affected areas" (Khan).