Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vocabulary definitions and sentences #9

1. Savory (A) Delicious
    Ex: The Tri-Tip was very savory, I even dreamed about it at night.
2. Entice (V) To Tempt
    Ex: My nephew is entice to eat everything he see's on the floor.
3. Tactless (A) Without Sensativity (Insecure)
     Ex: The tactless girl didn't even think it over when she told her math teacher he was over weight.
4. Integrity (N) Self Worth or Self Respect
    Ex: I have a lot of integrity, i do all my assighnments and show up daily.
5. Compensate (V) To Pay For Services
    If you show up to your job daily, you will get compensate.
6. Aloof (A) Disinterested/Spaced Out
    Ex: The aloofy boy didn't know what to saywhen the girls said Hi to him.
7. Goad (V) To Tawnt
     Ex: If you goad the bull it will charge at you in seconds.
8. Cohert (N) Friend
     Ex: My Cohert and I love to go to Starbucks and get a Vanilla Bean with extra caramel.

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