Monday, September 30, 2013

Antigone Compare/Contrast Final Draft

    In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone and Creon are in an arguement about their beliefs, ANtigone in the GOd's and Creon on his own law on the State. Antigone wants to bury her brother Polyneices and give him an honorable buriel and Creon doesn't want to becuase he went agains't him. Little dothey know their own actions will be the cause of a big disaster.

  Antigone is a loud person who is independent and does her own thing she doesn't listen and just believes in what she believes and know's is right. She's loyal to her family, wanting to bury Polyneices even after he went agains't his own family to try and win the kingdom but he is still her brother no matter what she loves him. She say's "But I will bury him: and if i must die, I say this crime is holy."(prologe. 57.58). Antigoneis also loyal to the god's, She say's "You may do as you like since apparently the law of the gods means nothing to you."( prologe. 64,65). No Matter what Antigone stay's true to the god's.

  Creon on the other hand is willing to do anything so that people can follow his rules. Creon is loyal to the state. He say's "The state is the only one i believe in." Creon'snot loyal to his family becuase he's sayong he is only gnna believe impn the state and he will go with nothing else.

   Antigone and Creon also have there similarities like pride and the same blood there also very determined in what they do. An example of Antigone showing pride would be when she say's "Creon isn't strong enough to stand in my way." (prologe.36). She is saying that noone can stop her from doing what she know's is right witch is burying her brother Polyneices.

   Creon show's pride He say's "My voice is the only voice giving orders in this city."  (3.108). He's basically saying noone else can rule but him he's the one being hear noone else so everyone has to listen to him and do what he want's.

  All in all, both Antigone and Creon deserve blame, They both did something wrong such as Antigone not allowing Ismene to follow up on the punishment Creon wanted to give the,
M both and Creon not wanting to bury Polyneices he should have just gave them both a proper buriel, they might of gone agains't eachother but at the end there both brothers and his own blood closer than he thinks. But this resulted in Antigon's death and Creons Lose of family.

                                                                      THE END !!!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vocabulary #6 Definitions and Sentences

1. Inevitable (A) Going To Happen No Matter What.
    Ex: My math test is inevitable every Thursday unless the teacher say's not.
2. Phobia (A) A Strong Fear
    Ex: My sister has a phobia of spiders,big bugs,the dark and ghosts.
3. Seclude (V) To Hide Away From Others.
    Ex: My mom can make a seclusion, but it dependz on her mood.
4. Rebuke (V) To Critisize Publically.
    Ex: My aunt likes to rebuke on others.
5. Notorious (A) Famouse For Something Bad
    Ex: My cousins are very notorious around their friends.
6. Fluctuate (V) To Change Often
    Ex: My cousin is bipolor becuase his mood fluctuates.
7. Candid (A) Honest or Sincere
     Ex: It is very important to be candid in a long relashionship.
8. Sophomoric (A) Immature (Soph=Knowledge/ More=Idiot)
    Ex: The sophomoric student didn't do his homework all year even though he knew all the answers.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Vocabulary Sentence #5

Vocabulary #5 Sentences
1. Plaintive: The young girl was plaintive after her boyfriend left her.
2. Flaunt: Everyone on facebook is being very flaunt about the new game "Auto Theft Five".
3. Distraught: The boy was distraught when his mom took away his XBox 360.
4. Queue: While standing in the queue I met some really nice people.
5. Accrue: I'm hoping to accrue my dreams and goals before colledge.
6. Relentless: She said that her love for her boyfriend was relentless and they had just been together for one month.
7. Leery: My friend is leery, I can't tell her anything.

8. Crass: The man was being very crass to the waitress.

Vocabulary #5

Vovabulary # 5
Words and Definitions
1. Plaintive (A) Very Sad
2. Flaunt (V) To Show Something Off
3. Distraught (A) Emotionally Upset
4. Queue (N) Aline of People or Things
5. Accrue (V) To Gain Over Time
6. Relentless (A) Never Stopping
7. Leery (A) Untrusting
8. Crass (A) Rude/Vulgar/ Bad Maners

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Autobiography :)

Well  Hello, My Name Perla Arce, This Is My first time blogging something.  I’m not your average teenager , I’m funny and kind, nice I like to make people smile because you never know how that persons day has been like and making them smile might brighten there day up with joy.  I’m fifteen years old my birthday is December 14/97.  I like to do fun things and I’m active and I like lifted trucks, my family is very funny and there nice people, there very funny. I have a twin sister as you all may know her name is Ruby and we don’t look that much alike, she’s like two inches taller than me.  My life has changed over the past 4 years I’ve grown so much I learn more and more each day, I like school I guess. I want to graduate and be successful in life I don’t know yet what I’d like to be in life but I can do a lot of things; I take photos, sing, and I’m a good dancer. Maybe you’ll see me on America’s got talent haha just kidding, but I’m a weird person, very unique I like to do my own thing I’m not a follower.  Over the summer I went to Mexico and celebrated my fifteen with my sister and cousin it was very boring. Then after that I came back to California nothing but stay at home and clean and just go out with my boyfriend  or when there was a family party I’d go but other than that my summer wasn’t that great but as I always say the next summer will be better hopefully. My  favorite thing to do is help others because helping someone else other than yourself is a great thing.  If you ever need advice feel free to talk to me I’ve been through some things you can’t imagine and also I give good advice. Well, I don’t really know what else to say there isn’t really anything  else I could say. So thanks for reading hope it was enough information to know me better.