Monday, November 11, 2013

"Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi (Dont Ban The Book!)

                   In Johan Bennett’s letter he states his argument on wanting to ban the book “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi. He says it’s inappropriate for 10th graders and has sexual activity and drug violence, too much for teenagers this age to read. I disagree with Bennett I personally think “Persepolis” is a great book and people can probably learn from this book. The following is my statement why “Persepolis” shouldn’t be banned.

            In my opinion “Persepolis” is a great book; it tells us how it is like to live in Iran and also how Marji grew up. She talks about her life as an Iranian and I think some people can learn things from reading this book. Although it might talk about sexual activity and drug violence it can be a lesson to somebody. Reading the book can open teenagers’ eyes and maybe say,” WOW! SHE’S BRAVE!” or “I can relate to this book.”

            Teenager’s are teen’s and we will make mistakes in our life it’s not always perfect, you have to get hurt to learn your lesson sometimes. Marjane Satrapi is a good remodel for us, she might have had her melancholy moments but she introduced us to a new insight to Iran. I think it’s awful to have to wear the veil everyday but it’s their religion.

            I think reading the book changed my perspective on Iranians and also changed the way I see things, it made me realize how different our life is compared to them. We are lucky to not have to wear a veil. Some religions here require girls to wear long skirts but they don’t have to cover up as much as Iranian women.

            So, to finish it off I disagree with banning the book from schools, it’s a great book and it’s about a brave Iranian. She is just telling us her life growing up in Iran and how she got out of it. It opened my eyes and it can also open someone else’s.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vocabulary Sentences and Definitions #10

1. Bemoon (V)  Complain About
     Ex: My sister likes to bemoon about every little thing, its so nettle.
2. Pensive (A) Deep in Thought
     Ex: When im alone in my room, I get very pensive about my near future.
3. Divoid (A) Entirely Without
     Ex: The divoid young man asked the young girl out without a worry of rejection.
4. Meloncholy (A) Sad/Emo
     Ex: My mom was very meloncholy in her younger days.
5. Mollify (V) To Calm Someone
    Ex: When my nephew is crying I try to mollify him with some juice.
6. Memento (N) A Keepsake or Sovenir
     Ex: The memento I got from Las Vegas is very cool, it changes colors.
7. Illicit (A) Illegal
     Ex: My friend did some illicit things on halloween night.
8. Ascend (V) To Climb or To Go Up
    Ex: I wanted to ascend the stais all the way to the 100th floor.